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Dubsdread Catering Signs on with Apopka’s City Center

Written By Scott Joseph On June 21, 2017


Dubsdread Catering has been signed as the official caterer and event manager for Apopka’s planned City Center, a development that will include the existing Highland Manor.

That Victorian-style mansion has previously been known, perhaps more famously, as Townsend’s Plantation and, for a brief time, in 2005, Captain and the Cowboy (I always thought that one sounded like the title of an adult movie). In most recent years, it has been a popular spot for special events, most notably weddings.

Dubsdread’s Steve Gunter should know: His company has been catering out of the site for the past six years. Last year, he told me, they oversaw 120 weddings and had revenue of $1.2 million. I need to get into the wedding business!

The agreement with the developer, Taurus Southern Investments, gives Dubsdread a 10-year contract. So, basically, thousands of weddings and receptions. But Gunter said his team will also expand to offer school and corporate functions and will promote family celebrations.

The mansion facility won’t be the only part of City Center. (In fact, there was some discussion of razing the old house.) Taurus is planning to build a hotel on the property — those out-of-town wedding guests have to stay somewhere! — and other ancillary businesses.

Construction may begin by the end of the year.

Highland Manor got its current name when a Southern and Scottish themed restaurant opened there after Captain and the Cowboy left, perhaps on a honeymoon. I reviewed it shortly after it opened in August of 2009; it had closed by February.

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