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Jax Fifth Avenue Taking Over Baoery/Cityfish Space

Written By Scott Joseph On June 6, 2017

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Jax Fifth Avenue will move in to the space that was recently vacated by Baoery in Thornton Park.

It’s a return to downtown Orlando for Jax, which is owned by Jack Thompson. The original Jax Fifth Avenue was in College Park, where Ollie’s Public House is now. But at one time there was a Jax on Court Avenue, just south of Central Boulevard. Jax is known for its large deli sandwiches and pickle jars.

Thompson sold the restaurant on Court Avenue to Casey’s in 2006 and took over the former Swiss Chalet restaurant in Lake Mary in 2007. He sold that restaruant in 2012 and is not affiliated with it although it continues to operate under the Jax Fifth Avenue name.

There has never been a Jax Fifth Avenue on 5th Avenue.

Renovations on the Baoery space are underway, and Jax is expected to open in August. In an email, landlord Craig Ustler said that he chose Jax for the space because of Thompson’s experience and because he felt “Jax was the right fit for the space.”

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