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Like the Opposite of a Phoenix…

Written By Scott Joseph On May 15, 2017

Ash portrait

If only there were a clever opening line for an article announcing that a restaurant called Ash has closed.

That would be Restaurant Ash, the sandwich concept from FMI Restaurant(s), headed by Ashley Nickell. Or at least it was headed by Nickell until, as was reported by Watermark last month, she left to head up the Rainbow Cafe at the Parliament House. (But that’s only until August, the newspaper said, when she will move to New York City and work as a private chef.)

Rising out of the space on Mills Avenue, which was the site of the original Funky Monkey Wine Company restaurant, will be a coffee shop that is ironically (and coincidentally, if you think about it) called Brooklyn Coffee Shop. The irony is that it is a company out of Brazil, and both its Facebook page and website are in Portuguese. (Also ironic: the quote over Nickell’s photo above.)

I don’t speak Portuguese — I can barely manage Brooklynese — so I’m not sure what we can expect from BCS. But apparently it will serve things que todo mundo adora.

FMI, of course, is the restaurant company owned by Nickell’s fathers, Eddie Nickell and Nicholas Olivieri. The now Ashless chaps have told other news outlets that they didn’t have time to run the sandwich shop and that they are also are looking for a place to relocate it. They own the Mills Avenue space and will be Brazilian Brooklyn’s landlords.

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