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Ace Cafe Orlando Sets Opening Date

Written By Scott Joseph On May 2, 2017

Ace Construction view from the stage

Ace Cafe, which has been under construction for more than two years, will finally open its doors on May 19 with a three-day roster of concerts, demonstrations and special events.

The restaurant and entertainment venue, based on the Ace Cafe in London, will open at 7 a.m. on Friday, May 19, with coffee and grab and go breakfast items. Musical events begin at lunch and pretty much continue throughout the weekend. Other events include a raffle  for a BMW RnineT Racer, with proceeds going to Arnold Parlmer Hospital for Children; painting demonstrations; and car and motorcylce displays. See a full list of weekend activities as they stand here.

Ace cafe occupies three acres at the corner of Livingston Street and Garland Avenue in the former Harry P. Leu buildings. (Also formerly The Edge nightclub.) As I told you here, the sprawling complex will feature multiple bars and dining areas, stages for live bands, a gallery and motorcycle dealership.

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