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Lagasse Foundation Kitchen House Set to Open in College Park

Written By Scott Joseph On April 12, 2017

KitchenHouse preview exterior

Chef Kevin Fonzo of K Restaurant Wine Bar hosted an informal preview recently of a project he’s been involved in, the Emeril Lagasse Foundation Kitchen House and Culinary Garden.

It’s a stunning structure in the middle of a typical College Park neighborhood. The kitchen looks like something you’d find in a typical house in Isleworth. In fact, there are few kitchens in area restaurants that are this well appointed and as spacious. I can’t help but wonder if Fonzo doesn’t harbor a secret desire to move his popular restaurant into the space. Anyone who has peeked inside his kitchen at K might assume the initial stands for Kramped.

Fonzo got involved with the project after he started helping out at Orlando Junior Academy with elevating the school lunch program and eventually becoming an instructor. Brad Jones, another instructor at the school, had begun a culinary garden. Discussions about expanding the program led to a grant from Lagasse’s foundation. Orlando Junior Academy donated the land, across the street from the school.

I’ll have more on the facility, which will be available to students throughout the area, when it officially opens, later this month, it’s hoped. In the meantime, here are some views.

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KitchenHouse preview kitchen

KitchenHouse preview kitchen 2

KitchenHouse preview catwalk

KitchenHouse preview above

It’s an open kitchen in more ways than one. There is a balcony catwalk that will allow instructors and parents to watch the cooking sessions from above (don’t worry, railings will be added).

KitchenHouse preview office

Two upstairs office spaces will be available for lease to help generate operatiing funds.

KitchenHouse preview garden

It’s a good thing that issue with front yard gardens in the City of Orlando was resolved.


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