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2017 Foodster Award for Best Hotel Restaurant Goes to MOOR

Written By Scott Joseph On April 6, 2017

Best Hotel Restaurant

MOOR, the seafood restaurant at Gaylord Palms with a sailboat setting, is the readers’ choice for the 2017 Best Hotel Restaurant Foodster Award.

Second place goes to MOOR’s cross-atrium neighbor Old Hickory Steakhouse. Close behind, Eleven at Reunion took third.

MOOR is the excellent restaurant under the culinary direction of its ironically named chef, Phillip Fisher. I reviewed it in 2015. And last year, we hosted a progressive Supper Club that began at the Everglades inspired Old Hickory for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres from chef George Yiu and his team then proceeded to MOOR for the multi-coursed main event. Food, staff and ambience were terrific at both, so I can’t argue a bit with your choice.

I also liked Eleven when I reviewed it in November. And I hope to return soon to see what changes newly installed chef de cuisine Jake Brenchley has initiated. (Early word sounds great.)

Scott Joseph’s Foodie Awards for Independent Restaurants celebrate the culinary excellence of Central Florida’s finest restaurants. Only businesses with three or fewer locations are eligible — no chains.

Visit the Foodster Awards page to see the other 2017 winners and to vote in the current categories: Best Power Lunch, Best Tex-Mex and Best Mexican.

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