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Geisler Leaving 1921, Returning to Ravenous Pig

Written By Scott Joseph On April 5, 2017

GeislerScott Geisler, who left his position as general manager of the Ravenous Pig to be the opening GM at 1921 by Norman Van Aken in Mount Dora, is returning to his old job at the Pig.

“I’m coming back to the Swine family,” he told me by phone Wednesday.

He said that returning to the Winter Park restaurant was “always something in the back of my mind.” He said that he was originally lured away by the prospect of being part of opening a new restaurant. “I’d always wanted to open a restaurant from scratch,” he said.

The Mount Dora restaurant opened in August and has received critical praise. “We’ve gotten it to a great position where it’s running well,” Geisler said of 1921. “I think the time was right for everybody.” He stressed that he is leaving on good terms and with Van Aken’s blessing.

Geisler had previously worked for Van Aken at his Orlando restaurant, Norman’s at the Ritz-Carlton.

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