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Brewpub Moving into Former Cafe Annie Space

Written By Scott Joseph On March 22, 2017

OCB logoThe space that was recently vacated by Cafe Annie, the longtime purveyor of downtown’s best falafel sandwich, will become the home of Orange County Brewers. In addition to brewing a variety of ales, lagers and stouts, OCB will offer food via a  kitchen called Orlando Pizza & Wing Co. There will also be a full liquor bar.

Amanda Roberts will serve as OCB’s brauen herrin. Her husband, Jeremy Roberts, and Travis Barr, both of  of TDBARR Construction, are the owners. They are designing the space, which will feature exposed brick and dark woods, group seating at long communal tables, and patios in the front and back.

They are aiming for a May opening.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

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