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Stars Beginning to Orbit Planet Hollywood Observatory

Written By Scott Joseph On March 11, 2017

PHO pirate

Planet Hollywood Observatory is already seeing stars.

The reimagined and newly reopened mega-eatery at Disney Springs will have its official VIP Ribbon Cutting on Friday, March 17, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. It’s an invitation-only event, but if you’re at the Springs that night you just might catch sight of Reese Witherspoon. She’ll be part of the festivities that evening.

And don’t tell anyone you heard this from me, but Britney Spears is having lunch there this Monday with her family. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn of more celebs coming in during the week. I’ll let you know if I hear more.

In case you missed my recent review, Planet Hollywood has been remodeled to look like a massive observatory with a large central telescope as part of the interior decor. But the most impressive thing inside is the wall that doubles as a projection screen. It’s like dining in an IMAX movie.

No word on whether Guy Fieri will come back into town for the opening. The Food Network star was here several weeks ago when the opening was supposed to take place. But when Robert Earl’s daughter went into labor on the West Coast, everything was put on hold.

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