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UCF Rosen College Spring Dinner Series

Written By Scott Joseph On March 10, 2017

UCF Dinner series

The first  of the UCF Rosen College Spring Dinner Series will be March 30. 

The dinner will be prepared and served by students in the restaurant and hospitality management programs under the direction of guest chef Jason Fridrich. The dinner is three courses — four if you count the intermezzo (you never count the intermezzo) — and is only $30 per person. And don’t factor in a gratuity — tipping is not allowed.

Sounds like a good opportunity to check out what’s going on at the Rosen College and support education, too.

There are two seatings, at 5 and 6 p.m. You can make your reservations at Spring Dinner Series web page.

UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management is at 9907 Universal Blvd., Orlando 

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