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BaBa’s Go Bye-Bye?

Written By Scott Joseph On February 27, 2017

Ruby baba

Baba’s Orlando Mediterranean Grill, which we reviewed here just one year ago last week, is no longer falafeling  downtown diners, but it hasn’t exactly gone away.

Instead, it has changed its name to Ruby’s Mediterranean Grill. The change, apparently, occurred in December. The sign on the building still says BaBa’s, but a sandwich board on the sidewalk reads Ruby’s, as do the embroidered shirts the staff were wearing recently. They were doing a brisk lunch business so it wasn’t convenient to chat them up about the change.

The corner space was previously known as WhiteWood Mediterranean Grill. 

Ruby’s — or whatever it might be called by the time you read this — is at 1 S. Orange Ave., Orlando.

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