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New Business — Make That 3 — Coming to North Quarter

Written By Scott Joseph On August 5, 2016

Credo logoThree local food and beverage businesses are teaming up to form North Quarter Market on the ground floor of Nora Apartments on North Orange Avenue in downtown Orlando.

North Quarter Market will be a collaborative effort among Downtown Credo, the Pop Parlour and the Farmacy of Winter Garden. They will occupy a 2200 square foot space with an outdoor patio and direct access to the apartment building’s clubroom. The space was previously occupied by Coffee Culture.

This will be the fourth location for Downtown Credo, which features fair-trade coffee and a pay-what-you-want model. The Pop Parlour sells hand-crafted natural frozen treats at its existing shop on Central Boulevard. And the Farmacy offers “organic, local, fresh” meats and produce, though exactly what isn’t quite clear from its website, which has a lot of nonsensical placeholder verbiage.

North Quarter Market is expected to open early fall.

Nora Apartments, at 885 N. Orange Avenue, is also home to the acclaimed North Quarter Tavern.

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