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I-Drive 360 Wine Bar Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On August 1, 2016

somm logoSomm, the intimate wine bar from the owners of Slate restaurant that opened just four months ago, has closed. A manager at Slate said the bar, which sat beneath the Orlando Eye Ferris Wheel, was closed as of Sunday because of a lack of business.

Recently, the owners had been working to reconfigure the small space to add kitchen equipment to allow the preparation of food on sight. Some preprepared food items were offered from the menu at Slate. 

Somm’s was a fittingly intimate space with a contemporary design that made good use of wood tones, with living-roomlike seating arrangements and full walls of wine coolers. A sort of free flowing drop sculpture with a non-conforming honeycomb design graced the ceiling. There were also places to sit outside next to a pleasant lawn area just on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

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