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Green Day Cafe Sold to Venezuelan Coffee Company

Written By Scott Joseph On February 22, 2016

Green DayEXCLUSIVE — Green Day Cafe, the eco-friendly fast food restaurant with healthful menu options, has been sold to Crispytas Coffee, a Venezuelan company with an office in Palm Beach. The buyer will continue to operate the restaurant as Green Day Cafe with an eye towards adding locations and expanding it as a franchise.

Chad Tomlinson, Green Day Cafe’s founder, had been offering the concept for franchise, too. He said that Crispytas came in as a potential franchisee and that they liked it so much they offered to purchase it. Tomlinson opened Green Day Cafe on Lee Road eight years ago. He opened another in the North Quarter in September of 2014 and closed that location one year later. Green Day continues to operate on Lee Road though not in its original location.

He wouldn’t give details about the sale price but said, “I feel like the restaurant was a fantastic investment.” He said the deal was completed in just three weeks.
A representative of Crispytas did not immediately respond to requests for comment, but Tomlinson said that the new owners plans to keep all current staff members and to keep the menu the same.

Green Day Cafe is at 1084 Lee Road, Orlando.

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