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Isla Verde by V, as in Vacated, is Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On November 13, 2015

Isla Verde bar

Isla Verde by V, the Puerto Rican restaurant in downtown Orlando that had very good food but very poor service and a lousy atmosphere, has closed. Now I may never find out who V was.

The restaurant posted November 3 on its Facebook page that it was temporarily closed, and feel free to put air quotes around those words. The post says that the closing, temporary as it is, was due to circumstances out of their control. Must not have been due to the lackluster service and dreary surroundings because those things are definitely controllable.

But right after saying the closing was only temporary, the FB post goes on to thank, with some finality, “all of our friends and family who supported us during our time in operation.” Not the sort of words to use when you want to convey a “we’ll be right back” message.

Isla Verde by V was in the Plaza building in a space that has had more than a few tenants in the past few years.


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