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Feast of Fonzo is Nov. 19

Written By Scott Joseph On November 9, 2015

k logoIt’s November, and everyone is anticipating that big, annual feast. That’s right, it’s time for the Feast of Fonzo. (What were you thinking of?)

Keven Fonzo, owner and executive chef of K restaurant in College Park, has been offering his Feast of Him for 14 years now, and it’s become a tradition for many. Basically, it’s an Italian supper, served family style. In my family that would mean a lot of yelling and brandishing of knives, but I think here it means big passed platters of the kinds of food K has become nationally known for.

Linda K. Sullivan of Noble Wine Estates will be offering  pairings from her impressive portfolio of Italian wines.

The dinner is Thursday, November 19 (because all the really big feasts in November happen on a Thursday), at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $75 per person plus tax and gratuity. Reservations are mandatory and can be made by calling the restaurant at 407-872-2332.



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