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Segafredo is Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On October 29, 2015

segafredo logoSegafredo, the bar and restaurant, but mostly bar, that opened mere months ago at Mills Park has closed.

It was a project of Italian coffee company Segafredo Zanetti, and I can attest to the fact that the coffee was good. But everything else about the place, as I listed in my review of Segafredo in April, was poorly done. It seemed as though it wanted to be a place for drinking. The second floor balcony bar was a highlight, but that wasn’t enough, apparently, to carry it. On Wednesday evening, the phone at Segafredo was answered by a factory-installed answering message, and a worker at the Brass Tap next door said that no one had been seen at the coffee shop (bar) all day.

Segafredo becomes the first of the businesses at Mills Park, which is at the corner of Mills Avenue and Virginia Drive, to close.

Anyone looking for a duplex restaurant with a nice patio on the second level?



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