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PR’s Taco Palace Moving?

Written By Scott Joseph On October 23, 2015

PRs Taco Palace

There are whispers behind the palace walls that PR’s Taco Palace is looking for a new kingdom.

Word is that owner Perry Inman “just wants to get out of this building” that his Tex-Mexish restaurant has occupied for 28 years. No decision has been made, and Inman was not available for comment. The building, on Fairbanks Avenue, next to the railroad tracks, lost some parking — undesignated, but parking nonetheless — when a road next to the tracks was closed and sodded over, apparently as a safety measure when SunRail came along. Nevermind that SunRail doesn’t run at night when PR’s patrons would be parking there. And it never seemed to matter all those years when night freight trains rumbled by.

And what’s up with the College Park PR’s that has been in the works since January 2014? Inman’s son Nick says that the restaurant, which took over the space previously held by Taste, next door to Truffles and Trifles, recently passed a utilities inspection and is that much closer to opening. When it does, College Park taco lovers will have a new place to hang out, and I will have lost a bet.



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