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It’s Official: Rick Bayless Restaurant Coming to Disney Springs

Written By Scott Joseph On October 22, 2015

Chef Rick Bayless HiResAs I reported back in November of 2014, celebrity chef Rick Bayless will open a restaurant at Disney Springs, joining the already opened Morimoto and the currently in progress STK. Bayless’ restaurant will be called Frontera Fresco after his popular Chicago restaurant Frontera Grill, which opened in 1987 and was awarded Outstanding Restaurant in 2007 by the James Beard Foundation.

The restaurant will operate under the aegis of Vista Springs LLC, a division of Palmas Services, which also operates San Angel Inn at Epcot’s Mexico pavilion.

Daroff Design of Philadelphia will design the 6000 square foot restaurant, which will seat 200 guests. Frontera Fresca is aiming at a Summer 2016 opening.





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