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Frank & Steins Closes in Winter Park

Written By Scott Joseph On October 13, 2015


It’s a tough location.

In just the last several years, 200 W. Fairbanks Ave. in Winter Park has been home to three short-lived occupants. The latest, Frank & Steins, a second location for a downtown Orlando beer and brats place, closed on Sunday.

Before F&S, Shipyard Emporium had dropped anchor there, and before that Strollo’s Cucina Due. Longtime residents will remember it as the location of the first Dexter’s before that popular restaurant and wine bar (wine market, too, in that location) started multiplying and then moving from that location to the then just-emerging Hannibal Square in Winter Park’s West End.

All of the occupants of the Fairbanks location have suffered from the same setback: parking is a bear. I don’t know how Dexter’s lasted as long as it did — at that time it shared the lot with a laundromat. My guess is that some of the nearby businesses (a popular radio station was located next door) allowed guests to park in their lots after hours and that privilege wasn’t grandfathered in when Dexter’s moved out (and the building was remodeled into a larger restaurant and bar space.

I’ll admit that several times I’ve driven by and thought I should stop in to see the new Frank & Steins but kept going when I saw no easy parking space.

But, I’m sure that won’t stop someone else from trying to make a go of that space with the thought — perhaps a mistaken one — that with Rollins College within walking distance the students will be enough business to support it.

The downtown Frank & Steins, at 150 S. Magnolia Ave., remains open.

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