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Dustin Haney Leaves Scratch

Written By Scott Joseph On July 16, 2015

haneyDustin Haney, the executive chef and co-founder of Scratch, has left that Winter Park restaurant.

Haney, who started the small restaurant with Ashley Byrd and Michael Roller in 2013, posted on his Facebook page that he has severed ties with Scratch:

“Many years ago, i wrote in a notebook, the concept for “scratch”…i worked very hard, with others, to build it…to realize it…to establish the quality, and set the course for the cuisine…i am no longer at scratch…a huge part of what made scratch great, the heart and soul, leaves with me…it may look the same, the food may still be good… but it will never really be “scratch” again… you’ve been great orlando/winter park…i truly adore you all…cheers, dustin”

In a private message, Haney told me that his sous chef would be taking over the executive chef position and that he maintains an ownership share. He is considering a move to New York City.

Calls to the restaurant were not immediately answered. This article will be updated when more information is available.

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