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Top Rated Restaurant Doesn’t Exist

Written By Scott Joseph On July 3, 2015

ScalettaHave you ever been to the best restaurant in Moniga del Garda? Neither has anyone else.

A trade magazine in Italy wondered about the veracity of restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor, the popular travel site that includes ratings and comments for hotels, restaurants and other hospitality services. As reported in this Grub Street article, Italia a Tavolo created a listing for a fake restaurant called Ristorante Scaletta, then populated the listing with bogus comments and high ratings. Scaletta soared to the number one spot. 

It was a cheeky prank, but it does bring to mind the questionable reliability of some of the online reviews. Be sure to read them with the proverbial grain of salt.

It also brings to mind another question: Just how many restaurants could there be in Moniga del Garda, wherever that is?

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