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Mynt Certificates Benefit Miracle Makers

Written By Scott Joseph On February 19, 2015

myntlogoMynt, the new and very good Indian restaurant in Winter Park’s Hannibal Square, has joined the SJO Dining Deals Payback program with an offer that benefits Miracle Makers. Miracle Makers is an organization that aids mothers in high-risk pregnancies who might deliver early and those prematurely born babies.

For each certificate sold, $1, $2 or $3 will be donated to Miracle Makers. It’s a terrific opportunity to try the exciting Indian cuisine at Mynt and to do some good for a worthy charity.

Follow this link to the SJO Dining Deals Payback page to learn more about the certificates. To learn more about the charity, here’s a link to the Miracle Makers Facebook page. And in case you missed it on the first go-round, here’s my review of Mynt Fine Indian Cuisine.

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