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Napa No More; Say Hello to Urban Tide

Written By Scott Joseph On January 1, 2015

Napa dining room

New year, new name.

You’ll recall that when the the Peabody left Orlando, it took the Capriccio Grill Italian Steakhouse with it, leaving the new owners, Hyatt Regency Orlando, to rebrand that restaurant as Fiorenzo’s. Now it seems  they’ve come back for Napa.

The rights to use that name for the California themed restaurant expired at the end of 2014. As of January 1, that space is now Urban Tide, a seafood centric restaurant. The name change is effective immediately, but the new menu will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

Even if they hadn’t lost the rights to use the name, the Hyatt Regency folks were smart to change it. It was a lousy name for a restaurant that prided itself in using local Florida produce. And it tacitly gave argument to those who would say you can find better food in California than in Florida. We know that isn’t true, especially when it comes to our bounty of seafood.

I’m looking forward to trying the new menu, and I’m happy to see the Urban Tide come in.

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