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Amazon Testing Restaurant Meal Delivery

Written By Scott Joseph On December 26, 2014

Amazon continues its pace to be the one-stop shop for all things consumable — now literally.

What started as basically an online bookseller is now the site many people turn to for just about anything, including diapers, composters and movies. The latter can even be streamed on demand.

Now, how about some food to eat while you watch the movie? Amazon is currently testing a restaurant delivery service that will allow customers to order from menus online, click and pay and wait for the hot food to arrive. As PC World said in this article, the test is confined to the Seattle area for now. Amazon also recently announce a one-hour delivery service test in New York City for all other items on its site, so don’t be surprised to see NYC as the next place the food delivery service is tried.

Of course, this isn’t anything new. GrubHub, Takeout Taxi and others offer such services. But Amazon is a behemoth and could up the delivery game considerably.

My only question is whether they’ll deliver the restaurant meals by drone.

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