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Mingos Downtown is Closed; UCF Mingos Uncertain

Written By Scott Joseph On November 22, 2014

In news that will surprise no one, Mingos in downtown Orlando is closed. The restaurant, in the former Graze and Prickly Pear space in the Sanctuary condominium building, was largely financed by Nik Patel, who is under indictment for fraud. A second Mingos, in the Doubletree by Hilton near UCF that opened a few months ago, is under new management. A woman who answered the phone there Friday evening said she didn’t know if it would continue to be known as Mingos or would be called something else. 

I’m guessing something else.

On its Facebook page, Mingos in downtown Orlando said it was closing because of “an inability to reach an agreement in lease negotiations within a timely manner…” 

The restaurant was not poorly reviewed, but having a partner embroiled in a messy legal issue that has seen him selling off homes and cars doesn’t bode well.

H/T Joe Sarrubbo.

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