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Foor and Ward to Head Cask & Larder Brewing

Written By Scott Joseph On November 11, 2014

Larry GarrettLarry Foor, left, and Garrett Ward will share brewing duties at Cask & Larder.

When I told you back in September that Cask & Larder had lost its longtime brewmaster, Ron Raike, I speculated that Larry Foor, veteran bar manager for Cask and The Ravenous Pig, might be named the new brewman. Turns out I was half right.

C&L has announced that Foor will be sharing the title with Garrett Ward, who has served as assistant brewmaster for the past year and was previously a bartender at the Pig, Cask & Larder’s sister restaurant. Both Foor and Ward are certified cicerones, or beer experts, and Foor recently earned a degree in brewing technology from the Siebel Institute in Chicago.

Besides continuing the brewing program for Cask & Larder, which was recently named one of the top 11 new restaurants in America by Esquire magazine, the two will begin ramping up the restaurant’s retail beer business. Beginning Thursday, the restaurant will be selling 32-ounce cans, called crowlers, of their specialty brews to go. The first beers available for takeaway imbibing will be Lone Palm Golden Ale, Olde Southern Wit and Flame Out Pale Ale.

Eventually, the beers will be available for purchase in the retail space planned in the building next door. Swine & Sons Provisions, which is scheduled to open in February, will sells charcuterie, sandwiches and other comestibles, as well as the crowlers.

For his part, former brewmaster Raike has joined on with Playalinda Brewing Co., a Titusville operation that is expected to open the taps this month.

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