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American Gymkhana to Open November 8

Written By Scott Joseph On October 31, 2014

Americna Gymkhana logoAmerican Gymkhana, the restaurant that will replace Raga on Sand Lake Road’s Restaurant Row, will open to the public on Saturday, November 8. The restaurant is operated by Rajesh Bhardwaj, who also owns the Michelin-starred Junoon in Manhattan.

American Gymkhana is styled after the sports clubs that were popular during the British raj. Although not a copy of Junoon, the Orlando restaurant will have a similar approach to its cuisines, which Bhardwaj describes as a restaurant that serves Indian food rather than an Indian restaurant.

Aarthi Sampath, who Bhardwaj brought from his New York restaurant, will head the kitchen.

American Gymkhana is at 7559 W. Sand Lake Road, Orlando, and will be open daily for dinner.

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