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Party at 4 Rivers Headquarters Tonight! Here are Some Details

Written By Scott Joseph On April 4, 2014

coop logoI’m looking forward to seeing many of you at tonight’s special Supper Club Party at 4 Rivers headquarters and test kitchen space in Winter Park. I’ve seen the menu, which will feature dishes from the soon-to-open COOP, I’ve tasted the Rioja wines and I’ve sampled the whisky from Winter Park Distilling Company. This is going to be fun!

Here are some details for those of you who were quick enough to get tickets (we sold out in a matter of hours).

The address of 4 Rivers headquarters is 210 Park Ave. N., but the entrance is around back — it looks like an alley but it is actually called Center Street. (See the map below.) So walk around the corner and down Lincoln Avenue and then up Center Street. 4 Rivers is on the second level and there are stairs or an elevator. Please note: No one will be permitted upstairs until 6:30 p.m.

Please bring your printed ticket with your unique code with you — it will help speed check in. If you were unable to find it or print it, no worries, we’ll figure it out.

The best place to park is the free public garage behind the Panera at the corner of Park Avenue and Canton Avenue. Some restaurants along Park Avenue offer complimentary valet for their guests. The closest is Prato the next block south on the avenue. I spoke to a manager who said it would be OK for Supper Clubbers to use the valet services, but I think it would also be nice if you stopped in beforehand or after we end at 8:30 and buy a cocktail. Or at the very least, tip the valet parkers well. (Down the avenue you’ll also find valet parking at Luma on Park and Park Plaza Gardens. They’re a few blocks away, but it’s going to be a lovely evening for a stroll.)

The dress code is casual this evening. 

There will be limited seating — this is more of a walkabout party event than a sit-down dinner. Some of you have expressed concerns about not being able to stand for long periods. We’ll do our best to accommodate you.

My apologies to those who weren’t able to secure tickets. As always, first crack goes to the recipients of my e-letter. If you’re not on the list, you can sign up at this link. (I’m announcing an event for May soon that you won’t want to miss.)

Supper Club Map.001

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