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East End Market Passes Inspection, Will Keep Saturday Reopen Date

Written By Scott Joseph On October 31, 2013

East End Market, the artisan food enclave that had its grand opening on Friday only to be closed on Sunday, has received final approval from city of Orlando inspectors to open the doors permanently. 

On Monday, developer John Rife said the market, on Corrine Drive in Orlando’s Audubon Park neighborhood, would aim for reopening on Saturday, Nov. 2. Although he got the go-ahead from the city on Wednesday, Rife is keeping the Saturday date instead of reopening today or Friday.

“The delay until Saturday is actually testament to the fact that artisan products take time to create. You don’t just turn the switch back on and extrude them from machine or peal back the plastic and reheat in the microwave,” he said. “The next two days will be pretty neat behind the scenes. Now that the kitchen is up and running I am really excited to see these chefs and artisan purveyors able to operate as planned.”

East End Market, 3201 E. Corrine Drive, Orlando, will open at 10 a.m. Saturday.


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