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New Brewpub from Owners of Ravenous Pig Coming to Former Harper’s Tavern Site

Written By Scott Joseph On January 5, 2012

Update: Description of the proposed restaurant is “southern-inspired public house” to avoid the designation as a “brewpub.”


Harper’s, the renamed Boathouse of Winter Park on Fairbanks Avenue, has closed and will become a “southern-inspired public house” whose owners will include James and Julie Petrakis of the Ravenous Pig. The Petrakises are partnering with another husband and wife team, Tracy Lindskoog and Dennis Bernard. Lindskoog says they hope to have the yet unnamed restaurant open by late summer. That extra time is needed, she says, because the brewery equipment will have to be manufactured and installed.


Harper’s was a last-ditch effort to reinvigorate a business that had opened little more than a year ago as the Boathouse of Winter Park. The newer name was an homage to Harper’s Tavern, which, along with a French restaurant called Le Cordon Bleu, occupied the building on Fairbanks Avenue for many years and was a local landmark.


When the new restaurant opens, Winter Park will have two brewpubs within a couple of blocks of each other. Shipyard Emporium, also on Fairbanks Avenue, opened last year.



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