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Logan’s Bistro is Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On December 9, 2011

Logan’s Bistro has closed again, this time permanently, at least in that location. The little restaurant on Virginia Drive in the Mills50 district had struggled during the economic crisis and had closed briefly earlier this year. At that time, Sonya Condrey, who owns the restaurant along with her husband, Darrell, told me that if they weren’t able to make other arrangements with the landlord to adjust the rent, Logan’s Bistro would be closed by the end of the year. Darrell Condrey told me they decided to close today. They will vacate the building by the end of the month.

Sonya has been working the last two months at Heathrow Country Club. Darrell told me that they will assess the situation over the next six months and will consider whether they might reopen in another location.


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