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Goat Roast and Rioja Sunday

Written By Scott Joseph On October 27, 2011

This could be fun. On Sunday, K Restaurant is hosting a special “Kevin’s Day Off” event featuring a goat roast paired with Rioja wines in the garden in back of the restaurant. In case you haven’t noticed, goat is the new lamb, and it’s springing (get it? spring lamb) up on upscale menus all over town. We’re not talking the curried goat variety, and stews where you have to worry about bones. This is good stuff. And goat goes beautifully with the wines of Spain’s Rioja region. Plus, it looks like it’s going to be beautiful Sunday — perfect for a goat roast.


Cost is $40 per person plus tax and gratuity. Seating is limited, so don’t delay. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30. By the way, it’s called Kevin’s Day Off, but that’s just tongue in cheek. Like most chefs, Kevin Fonzo doesn’t really get a day off; he’ll be there. Call the restaurant at 407-342-8624 to reserve.

If you can’t make that, you might want to try Friday Night Flights, which are held on, um Fridays, the last one of every month, to be precice. Three whites, three reds, 20 bucks. Good deal. Click here to go to K Restaurant’s beautiful new (thank God) website for details. 


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