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Save the Date: Next Supper Club Wednesday, October 26

Written By Scott Joseph On October 13, 2011

Update: We’ve finalized the location! Supper Club will meet at the Rusty Spoon in downtown Orlando. Chef Kathleen Blake is still tweaking the menu, but so far it sounds delicious. And I can now tell you the featured winery will be Marques de Caceres. We’re talking some good wine! Stay tuned for the final details: cost and the ticket sale launch.

Tickets sales now open. Cost is $55 per person — that includes tax and gratuity! Click here to go to the SJO Events page

Just had a very exciting lunch going over the details for the next Scott Joseph’s Supper Club. Still a couple of things to hammer out, but I can tell you this much now: it will be Wed., Oct. 26; it will be in downtown Orlando; it will be a food and wine pairing dinner featuring a European winery representative (who will be in town for some other food and wine festival apparently taking place out by the attractions, Epcot, I think it is); and it is going to be a lot of fun. I’ll have more details soon, but I wanted to let you know to save the date. Approximately 50 tickets will be available, and, of course, newsletter recipients will have first crack.


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