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Barnie’s Hires Master Barista

Written By Scott Joseph On September 7, 2011

In preparation for the introduction of Barnie’s CoffeeKitchen, Barnie’s has hired James Duncan as master barista for the company.

His responsibilities include training the company’s baristas the perfection of hand-pulled espresso beverages and latte art, while educating customers on the process and setting new standards for coffee consumers in Central Florida.  He will also represent the company in barista competitions.

“Once you see the difference in a perfectly prepared, artfully finished latte or espresso, you realize the potential for the product is more than you ever imagined,” said Duncan in a released statement.  “The beauty and quality shine through and people begin to see coffee in a new light – there’s more of an appreciation for the entire process.”

This appreciation and enthusiasm around coffee is exactly what the company is trying to share with customers through Barnie’s CoffeeKitchen.  “We see coffee as a form of culinary art,” said president and CEO Jonathan Smiga.  “James is extremely talented and shares our philosophy, which is very valuable.”

Duncan, with more than five years experience as a barista, has won several regional competitions hosted by Ultimate Barista Challenge USA.  He was declared the Southwest Regional Winner, which earned him eligibility to compete in the Ultimate Barista Championship in Shanghai this November, where he will be representing Barnie’s.  Duncan will also be representing Barnie’s in the Ultimate Barista Challenge during the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Show September 8 – 10, which is not open to the general public.


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