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New Restaurant’s Name: Prato

Written By Scott Joseph On September 6, 2011

It has a name!

The new restaurant from the Luma on Park team, heady from its recent visit from Paul McCartney, will be called Prato, an Italian word that means lawn or meadow.

Prato (say prah-toe) will occupy the former Ann Taylor clothing store space a couple of doors down from Luma. Brandon McGlamery will be executive chef and Matt Cargo will serve as chef de cuisine. Both recently took a cooks’ tour of Italy to get some menu inspiration and to visit the ovens that are being built for the restaurant in Naples.

McGlamery says the restaurant will be “more accessible” than the upscale Luma on Park with a lower price point but with the same sort of creativity found at Luma. There will be no cross-over of dishes between the two restaurants, although they may share local ingredient sourcing.

Both McGlamery and Cargo are participating in the Rioja Street Fare Festival later this month, so attendees will have the first chance to taste the type of food that will be served at Prato.

More details to come.


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