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Bravissimo Chophouse Closes

Written By Scott Joseph On July 16, 2011

It appears that Bravissimo Chophouse has closed. The phone is disconnected and the website does not load; usually good indications that the business is no more. The restaurant, which had resided near downtown Orlando where Shine Neighborhood Kitchen currently serves, relocated last year to the former Straub’s Fine Seafood building in Altamonte Springs. With the move, it added chophouse to its name, but, oddly, didn’t seem to offer much in the way of steaks and chops. My experience wasn’t all that great, and apparently it wasn’t unusual. Bravissimo Chophouse’s rating on Urbanspoon indicated that only 41 percent of 56 voters liked it. You can usually boost your rating over that mark just with friends, coworkers and family members. Still, sorry to see another restaurant close, especially one that, at least in its early days on Shine Avenue, did a very nice job.


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