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FMI Restaurant Group Hiring 100 Workers

Written By Scott Joseph On June 8, 2011

Job Fair Thursday-Saturday

FMI Restaurant Group (that would be Funky Monkey, Inc.) will hold a job fair Thursday, Friday and Saturday (June 9-11) for positions in its newest restaurants, Prickly Pear and  Nick’s Italian Restaurant. Both restaurants will be in the Sanctuary condominium building, 100 S. Eola Drive, Orlando, which is where the job interviews will be conducted.

According to FMI’s owner/operator Eddie Nickell, the restaurant group is looking to hire 100 people for server, host, bus and culinary positions. Applicants are asked to bring a resume to the interview. Interviews will be conducted each day from 1 to 4 p.m.

Prickly Pear, which occupies the former Graze space, will have a southwestern menu and will seat 250 guests in an upscale dining room. Nick’s Italian Kitchen takes over the Fifi’s Patisserie/Sanctuary Diner spot. Nickell says the Pear will open the first week in July; Nick’s is slated to open later this summer.


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