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Toke Away Sandwiches; Subway “Artist” Adds Marijuana to the Order If You Say the Secret Words

Written By Scott Joseph On June 3, 2011

St. Lucie County Sheriff’s investigators arrested a Subway sandwich maker for dealing drugs from behind her Ft. Pierce sandwich bar. According to the story publiches in TCPalm.com, the woman, whose name is Elizabeth Hunt (but you can call her Mary Jane), would slip a bag of weed to people who requested “extra meat” on their sandwiches.

I’m guessing you could get the same thing if you ask for the sandwich to be toasted. A request to make the sandwich “to go” would get you a milder, fast-acting drug (especially popular in Subway shops in the Villages). But for God’s sake, whatever you do, don’t say “hold the mayo.”

The funniest thing about the story is that it refers to the woman as a sandwich artist, as if there were an ounce of creativity involved in slapping measured ingredients into a sub roll. I tell you, the world is going to pot.


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