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New Restaurant Coming From Luma’s McGlamery

Written By Scott Joseph On May 24, 2011

EXCLUSIVE — Brandon McGlamery, the chef at Luma on Park who did so much to make that restaurant one of the top dining venues in town, is planning another restaurant near to that Park Avenue location.

The new restaurant will feature “wood-fired, Italian inspired” cuisine with almost everything cooked in two brick wood-burning ovens. The ovens are being hand-crafted in Naples, Italy, by an artisan oven maker. McGlamery says he and the new restaurant’s chef de cuisine, Matthew Cargo, are planning a trip to Italy soon and will visit the new ovens.

The restaurant, as yet unnamed, will occupy the former Ann Taylor women’s wear retail space. McGlamery and his partners, which include Brian France, the Nascar executive who is also a partner in Luma, are aiming for a fall opening.

McGlamery says the restaurant will be “more accessible” with a lower price point but with the same sort of creativity found at Luma. There will be no cross-over of dishes between the two restaurants, although they may share local ingredient sourcing.

Cargo has been working with McGlamery for four years and has represented Luma at various events. I’ve been impressed with some of the dishes he’s created.

Watch for more details as they develop.


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