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Padrino’s Hosting Beer Pairing Dinner with Cigar City Brewing

Written By Scott Joseph On April 27, 2011

This sounds like a fun event. Padrino’s Cuban Bistro, my favorite Cuban restaurant in Central Florida,Cigar_City is hosting a beer pairing dinner Thursday featuring the beers of Cigar City Brewing.

The dinner will feature five traditional Cuban dishes — tostones with chorizo, roast pork, ropa vieja, paella and tres leches — each served with a Cigar City craft beer specifically chosen to enhance the flavors.

The event is Thursday, April 28, at 6:30 p.m. Cost is a ridiculously low $35 plus tax and gratuity. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 407-251-5107 or by emailing [email protected].

Padrino’s is at 13586 Village Park Drive, Orlando.


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