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New Restaurants Planned for Long Empty Graze, Sanctuary Diner Spaces

Written By Scott Joseph On March 23, 2011

While you’re on the street for Sunday’s COOK 2011 Quick Fire Challenge, take a look at the spaces on the first floor of the Sanctuary condominiums left empty when the restaurants Graze and Sanctuary Diner (previously Fifi’s) closed. I hear they won’t be empty much longer. A local restaurateur is in negotiations to put in two new restaurants: a Southwestern (no, not Tex-Mex, Southwestern) in the Graze space and an Italian eatery where the diner was. I understand the members of the Sanctuary’s board, who have a say in what goes in there, have given their approval. Lawyers for both parties are now talking, so this may be resolved soon or could take a while. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear.

Updated: It’s the Sanctuary’s board, not the residents, that has given its approval for the new restaurants.


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