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Thomas Keller, Daniel Boulud Signed on for Jetport Food & Wine in April

Written By Scott Joseph On February 24, 2011

The date has been set for this year’s Jetport Food & Wine Party, and two celebrity chefs have been confirmed so far.


Chef Thomas Keller of the French Laundry in Napa Valley and Per Se in New York will participate in this year’s Jetport Food & Wine Party.

Thomas Keller (French Laundry, Per Se) and Daniel Boulud (Daniel, DB Bistro) will  be cooking at the extravagant, over-the-top and infinitely enjoyable event, Saturday, April 9. The Jetport has in the last couple of years become one of the top events for foodies and winies.

The JFWF is held in a hangar and the Kissimmee Airport, and besides the food and wine samples inside, the event features an exotic car show and private jet displays. There also is the occasional fly-by of stunt pilots. Oh, and acrobats and performance artists on a big stage. You’re going to want to attend. Proceeds benefit Bocuse d’Or USA. Jerome Bocuse will serve as host.

Details are still being firmed up, and I’m told some other big names may be added to the roster. But save the date and watch for the announcement that tickets are on sale. More to come.


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