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Wholesome Tummies Hosts Free Screening of School Lunch Documentary

Written By Scott Joseph On February 22, 2011

The issue of what kids eat has been front and center ever since Michelle Obama made childhood obesity her cause. What they eat during school lunches is worthy of review.

Wholesome Tummies, a local company founded to promote healthful lunches, will host a screening of the documentary “Lunch Line” tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 23, at the Orlando Public Library. The film tracks the behind-the-scenes details of school lunch and childhood hunger from key moments in history.

A panel discussion will follow the screening. Panel participants include Sara Brady, CEO/President of Sara Brady Public Relations, Inc.; Samantha Gotlib, Co-founder of Wholesome Tummies; Linda Daniels, Food Service Director of Seminole County Public Schools; Jennifer Dolcater-Ketchersid of Florida Hospital for Children and the Healthy 100 Kids program; and Dr. Lloyd Werk, Chief of the Division of Consultative Pediatrics at Nemours Children’s Hospital.

Wholesome Tummies samples will be served following the screening.

The screening is free. The film and discussion will be from 10 a.m. to noon at Orange County Public Library, 101 E. Central Blvd., Orlando, in the third floor Albertson Room. Parking is available in the garage across the street for $2 per hour.


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