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Inside the Disney Dream Galleys, an Exclusive Tour

Written By Scott Joseph On February 15, 2011


Inside the Disney Dream Galley

When I sailed on the Disney Dream’s christening cruise last month, I was granted an exclusive tour of the ship’s main galleys, the massive kitchen facilities that most passengers will never see. (Click on the image above to see a video tour with James Willoughby, hotel director in training.) The galleys are on two decks and serve the three main dining rooms: Royal Palace and Animator’s Palate on deck 3 and Enchanted Garden on deck 2. The ship’s two premium restaurants, Remy and Palo, have separate kitchens on upper decks. It’s from the main galleys that the ship’s crew prepares over 15,000 meals daily for the passengers and crew on Disney’s newest ship.

Click on the image above to see the video or click this link to watch “Inside the Disney Dream Galleys.

See also: Review of Remy on the Disney Dream and a video of all the dining options on the Disney Dream


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