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K Restaurant to Present 4th Annual Truffle Dinner

Written By Scott Joseph On December 8, 2010

If you love truffles — and who doesn’t? — you’re going to want to be at K Restaurant on Monday, Dec. 13. That’s when chef/owner Kevin Fonzo will present his fourth annual Truffle Dinner, this year titled “An Evening in Piedmont.” It will feature a four-course dinner featuring the aromatic funghi in a variety of forms in a variety of dishes. Each course will be paired with a wine from the Piedmont region of Italy. Cost is $65 plus tax and gratuity, which is a pretty good bargain for a dinner at K. Seating is at 6:30 p.m. and reservations can be secured by calling 407-872-2332.

I always smile sheepishly to myself when I think about my first encounter with a truffle. I was still a foodie newbie and was still discovering things. I had heard about truffles and how precious they were, meaning they cost a lot. So when I saw a food counter touting truffles, I stepped up and ordered one. I just didn’t see what all the fuss was about. I mean, it was a very nice piece of chocolate, but I couldn’t imagine how they trained pigs to hunt for them. So, you live, you learn, and eventually you get to taste the wonderfulness that is a real truffle.

See you Monday; I’m pretty sure Fonzo is serving the real thing.


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