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Winter Park Shipyard Brewpub Will Feature Cuisine of Big Wheel Provisions

Written By Scott Joseph On August 9, 2010


Tony Adams of Big Wheel Provisions

More information is coming in about the Shipyard Brewing Co.’s brewpub I told you about last week. The Portland, Maine, company is taking over the former Strollo’s Cucina Due space on Fairbanks Avenue. The company has just announced that the food will be under the direction of Tony Adams, owner of Big Wheel Provisions of Orlando. Big Wheel is one of the big wheels of locavorism and the slow-food movement. In fact, when it opens, in mid- to late-October, don’t be surprised if it’s called the Shipyard Brew Pub and Big Wheel Provisions Marketplace.

Big Wheel is a regular at the Audobon Park Community Market, and on Monday, August 16, Adams and Ron Raike, who will oversee the restaurant’s brewing tanks, will offer tastes of food and beer at the market. The market is in the parking lot of Stardust Video and Coffee at 1842 E. Winter Park Road, Orlando. The tasting will be from 6 to 10 p.m.

Raike, an Orlando native, has been with Shipyard Brewing Company for 13 years as a brewer and brewery representative. He will tend to the brewpub’s 28-gallon brewing system (that could be depleted on a good night).

Big Wheel Provisions produces all of its products in small amounts using local, seasonal ingredients.

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