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Exclusive: Graffiti Junktion Plans to Take Over Former K Restaurant Space

Written By Scott Joseph On July 28, 2010

graffiti_junktionGraffiti Junktion, which had been looking at moving in to the old Ole Ole space at New York and Fairbanks Avenues in Winter Park, is instead aiming at College Park and the former home of K Restaurant Wine Bar on Edgewater Drive. Earlier this year, Kevin Fonzo moved his business, now known simply as K Restaurant, down Edgewater Drive to the space where his other restaurant, Nonna Trattoria, had been, effectively combining the two restaurants. Graffiti Junktion will fit more with the clientele of Scruffy Murphy’s Irish Pub up the block than with the former K crowd, or, for that matter, the patrons of Harmoni Market and Julianna’s across the street or Adriatico virtually next door.

How done is this deal? I hear the prospective tenants have the keys to the new place and are planning for a September opening.

Graffiti Junktion’s owners are dropping their plans for a burger bar in Winter Park, but plans are moving ahead for a restaurant in the former Bravissimo spot on Shine Avenue. That, neighbors will be happy to know, will be a more romantic and sedate restaurant than the decidedly manic — and boistrous — Graffiti Junktion.

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