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Olv Reopens Saturday

Written By Scott Joseph On December 5, 2014

olv back

Olv, the Sodo restaruant that closed suddenly in October, will reopen Saturday according to owner Enrique Auvert. The oddly named cafe will open for dinner only at first and add lunch and brunch hours in a couple of weeks, said Auvert.

So what’s different now from the circumstances that caused the shutdown?

“Basically there was a shakedown in the ownership,” Auvert said. “had to pay some of the debts and penalites for taxes.”

Olv will reopen with the same menu as before, but the management is all new. And, he added, “We know that we have to work a little harder in service.”

H/T to Mike Cherry for the photo above announcing the reopening.

Olv is at 25 W. Crystal Lake St., Orlando, in the Sodo center.

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