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Smashburger to Join Local Burger Battle

Written By Scott Joseph On August 20, 2014

Smashburger sign

What’s that? You say we don’t have nearly enough burger joints in Central Florida? Well, hang on, another franchise is moving into the area.

Smashburger, which originated in Denver, will take over the space on Colonial Drive that was for a very short time the home to Boardwalk Fresh Burgers and Fries. (Apparently you didn’t want that particular burger joint, which opened in mid 2012 and closed, well, I don’t know when it actually closed. Just was driving by one day and noticed the building, which started life as a Denny’s, was vacant.

Smashburger’s gimmick is that the ground beef is smashed into a patty right in front of you, because this apparently is what we’ve been missing from the interactive dining experience. The chain, a fast casual concept, is also known for localizing a burger offering. Can’t wait to see what toppings they think best represent Orlando.

My call to company headquarters has not been returned for confirmation, but the sign in the window at 3162 E. Colonial Drive seems pretty decisive. 

Have you been to a Smashburger elsewhere? What do you think? How would you compare it to Five Guys, Shake Shack, Burger 21, BurgerFi or, for that matter, Boardwalk Fresh Burgers and Fries? Leave a comment below.

Thanks to Flogger Joe Sarrubbo for the tip.

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